young people inspired by Jesus to serve

17 - 19 July 2024


A Big Week Out to make a difference!

Big Week Out is for anyone in High School


Student Registration 


$20 extra for T-Shirt

Big Week Out is about motivated young people serving our local communities. 

BWO 2023 was amazing. In one short day 90+ young people put in to help the Aboriginal Berean Community Church.

This year we are going to return for a day to finish jobs on their church site so it is ready for more ministry. On the second day we are launching out into the local community to help others!

We partner with Scripture Union Australia for event support and leader training.

Our fantastic team of leaders will make sure young people are cared for and have a great time. All adult volunteers meet the Working with Children Check requirements and have completed Child Protection Training.

This year, we will spend one day at the Aboriginal Berean Church, the other day serving in the wider community. 


ARE YOU OVER 18 YEARS OLD, A COMMITTED CHRISTIAN AND WOULD LOVE TO LEAD AND SERVE YOUNG PEOPLE? Then sign up as a leader at this Big Week Out! Being a leader means looking after teams of participants at service events and daily sessions.

Leaders must fulfil statuatory requirements when working with young people and attend a leader training session. When you register as a leader, detailed information on training will be sent to you.

Leader Registration 


$20 extra for T-Shirt

(if you don't have one yet)

Leaders: 'SUALEADER'  in the 'Access code'


Wednesday City Site Holy Trinity Adelaide

88 North Terrace, Adelaide

7pm Launch service

9pm Pick Up

Thursday Base - Aboriginal Berean Community Church 

30 Stroud St S, Cheltenham

Please arrive at the base Thurs 18 July from 9am for a 9.30am start. Pick up at the Base at 9pm.

Friday Base City Site Holy Trinity Adelaide

88 North Terrace, Adelaide

What to bring


Big Week Out is part of the Scripture Union Australia Ministry. For more information about SUA go here